
Here is where I get to tell you a little about myself and how I became involved in romance fiction, crafting and hairstyling. Creativity has always been uppermost for me.
I was born and raised in the Northern region of my country, and once upon a time, the local library was in the basement of a downtown building. As a child, I lived close by and frequented it often. The rotating stand of romance fiction novels always intrigued me. I remember staring at them and wondering what was between those covers. That interest never died. The same interest supercharged my desire for crafting and hairstyling.
Over the years I belonged to many groups; Romance Writers of America, From The Heart Romance Writers, AskAuthor Pro, bethwyldegroup, BettyHanawagroup, BeverlyRaeFantasies, Catanetwork-writers, Changelingpress, Chippewapublishingauthors, cjlyonsnewsletter, Contest Alert, crimescenewriters, enchantersloop, FallenAngels ReviewChatters, forensic science, FTHCritiquers, FTHPlotting therapy, FTHProcrastinating, FTHWorkshops, Hot-FireAndMore, justeroticromancereviews, Karendevinkaren, Karenfindoutaboutnewbooks, Literarynymphs, Looseld Community, LoveRomancesCafe, Med-Writing, MoonlightFantasy, MoonlightPromo, Passion Press, PromoOnly, Readersoferoticromance, redroomnewsletter, Hollywoodites, romanceexcerptsonly, RWAAlert, sensualromance, sexydelights, The Sensuous Alien, Trisk Books, TriskBZ, TriskFever, TriskSocial, TriskettesHelpEachOther, TriskWorkshops, VenusPress, WelcometoReadersStation, WriteA-movie-21days, Writerschat, YA-writers, PublishedAuthorgroups, WritingTips, CoffeetimeRomance, Hot-Flame, The Romance Studio, several PAN loops, and probably forgotten a few.
In 2003 I received my Pro-Pin. This pin is recognition from my chapter group indicating I’ve reached professional writer’s status. I am now a member of PAN (published authors network).
Crafting has always been a hobby for me, but it was later in life that it became more than that. I love to design and create new projects. My work has been published in ‘Crafting Traditions Magazine’, ‘Country Woman Magazine,’ ‘Country Marketplace Magazine,’ ‘Country Woman Christmas Book,’ and also in ‘Taste Of Home Holiday Celebrations Cookbook.’ For six years I sent out a bi-monthly craft newsletter, and have had some luck with poetry, greeting cards and novelty pins.
Now I’ve taken on publishing duties. Guilia Publications is named after my grandmother because of her unique way with words.
On a personal note, my husband of fifty years is supportive and puts up with all my idiosyncrasies. We have two children, four grandchildren and a feline that rules the household.
